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Chinese Church Voices

A Pastor Encourages the Use of Social Media

Recognizing the prevalence of internet use among Christians, this article encourages pastors to use social media to connect with their congregations.

Blog Entries

We Use Chinese All the Time

Why Chinese Is a Key Language for Reaching International Students in China

[…] student in China. Tim, it was challenging to listen to you share your passion for international students in China to hear the gospel. What languages do you use when relating to other international students? Don't they all speak English? I normally use Chinese and some English. Most of the international students come from countries […]

Chinese Church Voices

An Official Code of Conduct for China’s Pastors

[…] more vigilant in recognizing and preventing the capability of foreign infiltration as well as to stand on guard against cults, heresies, and extremism.  In addition, the document promotes mutual respect and harmony between different religions as well as inter-religious dialogue and cultural exchanges. It also demands that staff conform to churches' rules and regulations […]

Blog Entries

Social Media in China (Part 3)

Tips for Using Social Tools to Connect with Chinese Colleagues

[…] years ago all the rage in China was micro blogging on Sina’s Weibo, which functions a lot like Twitter. However, in the last year more and more Chinese users have made WeChat their tool of choice due to its simple mobile interface and the ability to limit the information you share to a specific group of followers. […]

Blog Entries

Social Media in China

Why Social Matters

[…] what does this relationship building look like in China’s social media savvy market today? This series of posts will outline not only why it is critical to use social media, but more critically how to use it to enhance your relationships with Chinese colleagues and friends. Social media is impacting societies across the globe, but […]

Blog Entries

Social Media in China (Part 2)

WeChat: An Innovation Platform

The first post in this series outlined the importance of social media in China and briefly introduced WeChat.  Note WeChat was selected beca use of its popularity in mainland China.  This post will dive deeper into what makes WeChat innovative, but as with any social media tool (e.g. Twitter, Facebook, etc), each one of us must […]

Blog Entries

One Tip for Effective Communication in China

The Rule of Three

Effective communication requires engagement from both ends of the communication cycle—both the ability to send a message and receive feedback from your audience. Using this cycle to reach a common understanding is more of an art than a science—even when we communicate with others from our home culture. However, it is even more challenging when communicating cross-culturally in China.

Blog Entries

Comparing Peaches and Coconuts

More on Indirect Communications

[…] rule of three we have a choice. You either complain about the difference and become frustrated or seek to understand it better and adapt. I have found it most useful to choose the latter. As you dig into such cultural differences, you learn a lot about the core of Chinese culture—even if making such an adjustment […]


Keeping Pace in Our Digital Age

In 2023, over five billion people use the internet, emphasizing the global shift to digital spaces. ChinaSource Quarterly explores digital strategies and evangelism opportunities.

Blog Entries

Next Generation Missions

Indigitous Serve

[…] medical missions, and discipleship-making movements. These are great and very necessary, but we also see that the next generation contains a variety of talents that can be used in new ways. Many Asian Americans enter the marketplace with digital and creative skills. They will use their affinities and abilities for secular businesses. Yet these […]